Yoga For Hair Growth- Try These 6 Yoga Asanas For Hair Growth

Yoga has several benefits for human life. It not only improves your overall health but may also improve your hair growth and reduce your hair loss. These days, hair loss is a primary concern. Various factors, such as your lifestyle, stress, and care, can contribute to hair loss.

However, there are multiple treatments in medicine to reduce hair loss. But including yoga for hair growth in your lifestyle may help you grow your hair naturally. So, if you are strolling with heavy hair loss, this post is for you. This article, Healthy Tips4us, will discuss all 6 best yoga for hair growth.

Practicing yoga for hair growth improves blood circulation in your scalp and nourishes your hair follicles, promoting a healthier environment for hair growth. Regularly practicing yoga also reduces your stress, resulting in hair loss.

List of Yoga For Hair Growth

There are multiple asanas of yoga for hair growth, but we have brought you some of the most accessible yoga. These yoga asanas for hair growth are:-

  1. Uttanasna (Forward Bending Camel Pose)
  2. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward facing Dog Pose)
  3. Balasana (Child Pose)
  4. Sasangasans (Rabbit Pose)
  5. Vajrasana (Diamond Pose)
  6. Kapalabharti Pranayama (Skull Shining Breath)

6 Best Yoga For Hair Growth

Incorporating yoga for hair growth contributes to improving your hair growth and possesses various other benefits. Below, we will discuss each pose and how you can do them. So let’s get started.

#1. Forward Bending camel Pose

This asana is also know an Uttanasna. This yoga for hair growth is extremely easy but quite effective. Forward bending camel pose relaxes your muscles and increase the flow of blood & oxygen to the head and scalp which enables the hair follicles to grow strong and long.

How To Do it

  1. Begin by kneeling on the yoga mat with your knees hip-width apart.
  2. Place your hands on your hips, fingers pointing downwards.
  3. Inhale and lift your chest upward, gently arching your back.
  4. Exhale and slowly reach your hands to grasp your heels, keeping your thighs vertical.
  5. Tuck your chin slightly towards your chest and keep your neck long.
  6. Hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute, breathing deeply.
  7. To release, bring your hands back to your hips, and slowly come back to the kneeling position.


  1. If reaching for the heels is challenging, you can place your hands on blocks placed beside your feet.
  2. Keep the toes tucked under for more stability and support.
  3. Use a folded blanket under the knees for added cushioning.


  1. Avoid this pose if you have a neck injury or discomfort.
  2. Avoid deep backbends if you have any back pain or injury.
  3. Pregnant women should avoid this pose, especially in the later stages of pregnancy.

Benefits Of Forward Bending Camel Pose

  1. extremely easy but quite effective
  2. Enhances blood circulation to the scalp, which may promote hair growth and scalp health.
  3. Improve texture & quality of the hair to make it smooth and shiner

Practitioners should always listen to their bodies and avoid any movements that cause pain or discomfort. Consulting with a qualified yoga instructor before attempting new poses is recommended, especially for beginners or individuals with specific health concerns.

#2. Downward Facing Dog Pose

This is also known as Adho Mukha Svanasana. Basically this pose stimulate the blood flow to the scalp which helps in promoting hair growth and reducing hair loss. Below are the steps, and benefits of the downward facing dog pose.

How To Do It

  1. Begin on your hands and knees, aligning your wrists under your shoulders and knees under your hips.
  2. Exhale and lift your hips upward, straightening your arms and legs to form an inverted V shape.
  3. Press your hands firmly into the mat, spreading your fingers wide.
  4. Engage your core muscles and lengthen your spine, drawing your chest towards your thighs.
  5. Keep your heels grounded and aim to straighten your legs as much as possible without forcing.
  6. Hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute, breathing deeply.
  7. To release, exhale and bend your knees, lowering your hips back to the starting position.


  1. If your hamstrings are tight, keep a slight bend in the knees.
  2. Place blocks under your hands to alleviate wrist discomfort.
  3. Keep your feet hip-width apart for stability and support.


  1. Avoid this pose if you have any wrist or shoulder injuries.
  2. Individuals with high blood pressure or eye conditions such as glaucoma should avoid prolonged inversions.
  3. Pregnant women should practice this pose with caution and may benefit from using props for support.


  1. Improves blood circulation to the scalp, potentially promoting hair growth.
  2. Relieves stress and tension, which can contribute to hair loss.
  3. Strengthens the arms, shoulders, and upper back.
  4. Stretches the hamstrings, calves, and Achilles tendons.

#3. Child Pose

This is also known as Balasana. This yoga asana for hair growth has positive outcomes on ankles and hips. During the child pose, you also beautifully stretch your entire back. Below, we have mentioned how to do it and the several benefits of Child Pose or Balasana.

How To Do It?

  1. Start kneeling on the yoga mat with your big toes touching and knees apart.
  2. Sit back on your heels and exhale as you fold forward, bringing your forehead to the mat.
  3. Extend your arms forward or alongside your body, palms facing up.
  4. Relax your shoulders, neck, and jaw.
  5. Breathe deeply and hold the pose for 1-3 minutes.


  1. Place a cushion or folded blanket under your forehead for support.
  2. Use a bolster or rolled-up blanket under your knees for extra cushioning.
  3. Keep the knees closer together if you have tight hips.


  1. Avoid this pose if you have knee injuries or discomfort.
  2. Individuals with ankle injuries should use caution or modify the pose.
  3. Pregnant women may need to separate their knees wider to accommodate the belly.


  1. Relieves tension in the back, neck, and shoulders.
  2. Stretches the hips, thighs, and ankles.
  3. It calms the mind and reduces stress.
  4. Helps with digestion.
  5. Increases blood circulation to the scalp, potentially promoting hair growth.

#4. Rabbit Pose

This asana of yoga for hair growth is also known as Sasangasans.

How To Do It?

  1. Begin by kneeling on the yoga mat and sitting back on your heels.
  2. Lean forward and place the crown of your head on the mat in front of your knees.
  3. Reach back and hold onto your heels with your hands, keeping your arms alongside your body.
  4. Gently tuck your chin towards your chest and lengthen your spine.
  5. Hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute, breathing deeply.
  6. To release, slowly release your grip on your heels and lift your head and torso back up.


  1. Place a folded blanket under your knees for extra cushioning and support.
  2. Use a yoga block to support your forehead if it doesn’t comfortably reach the mat.
  3. If reaching for the heels is challenging, you should focus on extending the arms and lengthening the spine.


  1. Avoid this pose if you have neck injuries or discomfort.
  2. Individuals with high blood pressure or vertigo should practice this pose cautiously.
  3. Pregnant women should avoid compressing the abdomen and may need to modify the pose.


  1. Stretches the spine, shoulders, and back muscles.
  2. Stimulates the thyroid and parathyroid glands.
  3. It helps improve digestion and relieve constipation. Improved digestion ensures better absorption of nutrients essential for hair health, such as vitamins, minerals, and proteins.
  4. It calms the mind and reduces stress and anxiety. Stress is a common contributor to hair loss and poor hair health. This pose may indirectly support healthier hair growth by promoting relaxation and mental well-being.

#5 Vajrasana (Diamond Pose)

Vajrasana is also known as the diamond pose. This pose of yoga for hair growth calms your mind, relaxes the nervous system, reduces your stress level, and prevents stress-influenced hair loss. Below, we have mentioned how to do this yoga for hair growth and several benefits of Vajrayana.

How To Do It?

  1. Kneel on the yoga mat with your knees together and feet slightly apart.
  2. Sit back on your heels, ensuring your spine is straight.
  3. Place your hands on your thighs or knees, palms facing down.
  4. Keep your head and neck aligned with your spine, eyes closed, or gaze softened.
  5. Breathe deeply and hold the pose for 1-5 minutes, gradually increasing the duration.


  1. If you have difficulty sitting on your heels, place a folded blanket or cushion between your buttocks and heels for support.
  2. Use props like yoga blocks under your buttocks to ease pressure on the knees and ankles.
  3. If sitting on the floor is challenging, you can perform a modified version of the pose on a chair with feet flat on the ground and knees together.


  1. Avoid this pose if you have severe knee pain or injuries.
  2. Individuals with ankle or foot injuries should use caution or modify the pose.
  3. Pregnant women may find it uncomfortable to sit in this pose for extended periods.


  1. It improves digestion and relieves indigestion and bloating. Strengthens the muscles of the legs, thighs, and lower back.
  2. It helps alleviate knee pain and stiffness.
  3. Promotes mental focus and concentration. Also, it reduces stress, which helps reduce hair fall.
  4. Improve blood circulation. Maintaining the Diamond Pose for a prolonged period may improve blood circulation to the lower body and pelvic region. Better blood flow can enhance nutrient delivery to hair follicles, promoting hair growth and scalp health.

#6. Kapalabharti Pranayama (Skull Shining Breath)

Kapalabharti Pranayama is also known as skull shining breath exercise. This is one of the most popular yoga asanas that prevent hair fall and promote hair growth. Below, we have mentioned how to do Kapalabharti Pranayama and its several benefits.

How To Do It

  1. Sit comfortably on the floor or a chair with a relaxed spine and shoulders.
  2. Take a deep inhalation through both nostrils.
  3. Exhale forcefully and quickly through the nostrils by contracting the abdominal muscles.
  4. Allow the inhalation to happen passively without effort.
  5. Start slowly and gradually increase the speed while maintaining the rhythm.
  6. Repeat for 20-30 breaths and then release.


  1. If you find it challenging to maintain the rapid pace, start with fewer repetitions and gradually increase over time.
  2. Practice with a gentle force and avoid straining the abdominal muscles or breathing excessively forcefully.
  3. If sitting on the floor is uncomfortable, sit on a chair with your feet flat on the ground and your spine erect.


  1. Avoid practicing Kapalabhati Pranayama if you are pregnant or have high blood pressure, heart disease, epilepsy, hernia, or ulcers.
  2. Individuals with respiratory infections or asthma should practice with caution.
  3. Beginners should start slowly and gradually increase the intensity to avoid dizziness or hyperventilation.


  1. Cleanses the respiratory system and clears nasal passages.
  2. Improves lung capacity and oxygenation of blood.
  3. Stimulates the digestive organs and aids in detoxification.
  4. It energizes the body and refreshes the mind.


Including the listed yoga for hair growth in your daily life can help you improve blood flow in your scalp, resulting in robust hair follicles. A stronger hair follicle will promote healthier and stronger hair.

Yoga also helps manage stress, which will help reduce stress-induced hair loss. If you are still facing hair loss issues, then it is highly recommended that you visit a trichologist to get the proper treatment for hair loss.

6 Best Yoga For Hair Growth

Yes, practicing yoga can help in hair growth by improving blood circulation to the scalp and nourishing hair follicles. Additionally, stress reduction through yoga helps prevent stress-induced hair loss, promoting a healthier environment for hair growth.
The Yoga poses mentioned above are generally suitable for hair growth. However, starting slowly, listening to your body, and consulting a qualified yoga instructor for proper guidance is essential, especially if you're new to Yoga.
Consistency is key so it is recommended to practice these Yoga poses regularly, at least a few times a week, to experience the benefits for hair growth and overall well-being. While Yoga can contribute to healthier hair, it may not be the sole solution for severe hair loss issues. Consulting a trichologist for a comprehensive assessment and personalized treatment plan is recommended.

Abhishek Kumar

I am Abhishek Kumar, I have done my master's in Biotechnology. My most preferred genre of writing is Health, Environment, Entertainment, and sport. I have been writing from the past 4 years about blogs, articles, and web content. I am working as a professional blogger. I enjoy socializing a lot. Apart from all this, I enjoy watching movies, web series, cricket and exploring nature makes me happy.

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