Coronavirus Disease: Causes, Symptoms, And Prevention
Coronavirus disease is an infectious disease which is caused by a newly discovered virus known as Serve Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARA- CoV-2). The COVID-19 causing SARS- CoV-2 virus belongs to the same family, which cause the common cold, SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), and MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome).
The first case of Coronavirus disease was reported in China in late 2019. But in March 2020 World Health Organization (WHO) declared coronavirus disease a global pandemic because several numbers of cases have been reported among all the nations on the planet Earth. The U.S public health group, such as WHO (World Health Organization) and U.S CDC (Centers For Disease Control & Prevention), continuously monitor the situation and regularly updating on their sites.
Causes Of Coronavirus Disease
There is much theory regarding the coronavirus causes, but still, the exact cause of COVID-19 is entirely unclear. One hypothesis says that the coronavirus is linked to the seafood market in Wuhan, China. Whereas one study came on 25th Jan 2020, exhibited that the first cases of coronavirus were on 1st December 2019, and that person had no link to the seafood market. But still, the researches are ongoing to confirm the exact cause of coronavirus.
Being an infectious disease, coronavirus spread from person to person among those who are in close contact. According to WHO, the virus causing coronavirus disease may spread by respiratory droplets released by the infected person with coughs or sneezes. WHO also says that it may spread if someone touched a surface with the virus on it and then touched their eyes, mouth, and nose.
Symptoms Of Coronavirus
Several health professionals say that the symptoms of coronavirus show up in people within the 14 days of exposure to the Virus. The common symptoms of which disease are
- Cough
- Fever
- Shortness Of Breath or problem associated with breathing
- Tiredness
- Aches
- Running nose
- Sore throat
The symptoms of coronavirus disease may range from mild to acute, and it is also possible that some people will have no symptoms and may recover without requiring medical treatment. But people have any medical history such as diabetes, lungs disease, or heart diseases, and those people whose age is more than 60 years are at higher risk.
Prevention Of Coronavirus
There is no vaccine for coronavirus; thus, only prevention can protect yours from this infectious disease. There are a few steps that you should adopt in your daily life to reduce the risk of infection. These steps are recommended by the WHO (World Health Organization) and CDC (Centers For Disease Control & Prevention).
- Avoid mass gathering and mass even
- Avoid close contact by at-least 1m
- Washing your hand properly with soap water at-least 20 seconds or you can also use alcohol-based sanitizer but ensure that alcohol percentage is more than 60
- Cover your mouth & nose with an elbow while sneezing, or you can use tissue but provide to bin used tissue immediately into the closed dustbin
- Avoid touching nose, mouth, and eyes if your hand is not washed
- Avoid sharing dishes, glasses, and another household item if you are sick
- Stay at your home from work, school, and public area if you are ill or have any symptoms listed above
- Avoid smoking and other activity which weaken the lung function
- Don’t eat raw or undercooked meat or animal organs
- Ignore traveling or if urgent then check visit WHO and CDC official website to know the coronavirus situation in that area
Some Fact About Coronavirus
- The transmission of coronavirus from animal to people is sporadic
- Coronavirus causes cold and another mild respiratory sickness
- There are various kinds of coronavirus which cause some severe diseases like SARS & MARS.
- The name of coronavirus name for its appearance. Under the microscope, the coronavirus looks like it is covered with a structure that looks like a crown or corona.

I am Abhishek Kumar, I have done my master’s in Biotechnology. My most preferred genre of writing is Health, Environment, Entertainment, and sport. I have been writing from the past 4 years about blogs, articles, and web content. I am working as a professional blogger. I enjoy socializing a lot. Apart from all this, I enjoy watching movies, web series, cricket and exploring nature makes me happy.