Waterborne Disease and its Common Types
Diseases which occurs due to the consumption of contaminated water is considered as a waterborne disease. Drinking water quality of India is very inferior because it contains various types of pollutant and you know that the consumption of polluted water causes waterborne diseases. Water contains dissolved solids such as organic & inorganic compounds and biological impurities such as bacteria, virus, protozoa, fungi, algae, etc which is very much dangerous to the human health because it causes various types of fatal waterborne diseases.
In the entire world, every year more than 3 million people lose their life due to the different waterborne diseases. Both the developing and developed country are suffering from death occur by the various types of waterborne diseases. Among all the countries India and China are facing more waterborne diseases death. Every day more than 600 people of India lose their life due to drinking of contaminated water whereas more than 90% of water bodies are polluted in China.
Also Read: Death Cause By Waterborne Disease In India
Common Types of Waterborne Diseases
There are various types of waterborne diseases some of them are discussed below
1. Leptospirosis
It is a bacterial disease which causes by the gram-negative bacteria namely Leptospira interrogans. This gram-negative bacteria mainly affects animals such as dogs, house, rodents, and others. These animals contaminate the water bodies and consumption of contaminated water by the human, causes the Leptospirosis. High fever, headache, abdominal pain are the main symptoms of this disease.
2. Amebiasis
This disease is caused by the parasite namely Entamoeba histolytic which is a protozoan. These Protozoans infect the intestine of the person who consumes the contaminated water. The main symptoms of this disease are free motion, abdominal cramp, stomach pain, &, etc.
3. Diarrhea
A condition when you experience watery stool more than three times in a day is called as Diarrhoea. There is three form of Diarrhoea such as acute, chronic, and persistent Diarrhoea. If you experience watery stool less than two weeks it means that you are facing acute Diarrhoea, if it is for more than two weeks, then it is called as persistent Diarrhoea, and if you feel watery stool more than 4 weeks, then it is called as chronic Diarrhoea.
The leading cause of Diarrhoea is drinking water which is contaminated with the microbes such as bacteria, virus, fungi, etc. These microbes mainly affect the intestine and cause infection in it which leads to stomach pain, abdominal cramp, vomiting, change in color of stool, &, etc. A Health Ministry report says that every day more than 300 children lose their life due to Diarrhoea.
4. Typhoid
This is the most dangerous and fatal waterborne disease. A WHO, i.e., World Health Organization report says that more than 2 million cases of typhoid are reported worldwide in which about two lakhs people lose their lives every year. This disease is caused by a bacteria known as Salmonella typhi. The primary function of this disease is Headache, muscle pain, high fever, etc.
5. Cholera
This form of the waterborne disease is prevalent among all the waterborne diseases which occur due to the drinking of contaminated water. This disease is caused by a bacterium called as Vibrio cholera. This bacteria is mainly present in the water and food which is infected by the contaminated person. Once the bacteria enters into the human body, it starts to release a toxic material which finally causes heavy losses of fluids from the body.
Cause of Waterborne Diseases
As we have discussed above that water contains microbes as well as dissolved solids which all are harmful to human health. Some of the microbial cause of waterborne diseases are discussed below
1. Bacteria
As we all know that water support life and it is the home of many bacteria such as E.coli. It is considered most of the potential disease-causing bacteria because it produces a toxin which affects the human intestine & leads to anemia.
2. Virus
The virus is a connective link between the living & non-living organism because it is inactive until it reaches to the host cell. Once a virus finds the host cell, it becomes active & affects the host cell. The most common disease caused by the virus is Hepatitis A & E.
3. Protozoa
Protozoa are commonly found microbes in the water & it is higher in size as compared to the bacteria and virus.
We hope that this post about the waterborne disease will help you to get rid of this global issues. WHO stated that more most of the waterborne diseases are due to the drinking of contaminated water. Thus use or drink contamination free water and be free from the fear of getting waterborne diseases. For getting pure water you can install water purification system at your home.

I am Abhishek Kumar, I have done my master’s in Biotechnology. My most preferred genre of writing is Health, Environment, Entertainment, and sport. I have been writing from the past 4 years about blogs, articles, and web content. I am working as a professional blogger. I enjoy socializing a lot. Apart from all this, I enjoy watching movies, web series, cricket and exploring nature makes me happy.