Will COVID-19 Virus Die In Summer?
Previously it has been observed that viruses which causes Influenza or common cold slowly loss their disease causing ability with the increasing temperature. Thus some people hope that new coronavirus will vanish with increasing temperature, but it is not clear yet.
Also Read- Coronavirus Disease: Cause, Symptoms, And Prevention
Gurugram: The weather condition in India is now changing, and the rise in temperature seems to be defeating the concern of the coronavirus from spreading. But according to the expert and medical professional, there is no relation between the temperature and coronavirus spread.
As the number of coronavirus infected person in India has increased up to 1251 as on Monday and 32 people have lost their life due to this pandemic disease. In this situation, it is difficult to avoid the evidence which gives the hint of the coronavirus dying.
Generally, Flu began to effects the people with the start of colder months or change in the season. Some other viruses, causing Influenza or cold, seem to lose their ability to infect a person with an increase in the temperature. Still, scientists have referred these viruses as a seasonal virus.
Many of the largest outbreak of the coronavirus has been seen in those countries where the weather is relatively cooler. Thus, it leads to the speculation that this virus may be losing its ability to infect people with the arrival of summer. But most of the scientist and doctors have not convinced form this theory.
Also Read- Coronavirus Prevention
Why It Seems That Summer Will Kill Covid-19?
The scientist has observed that coronavirus doesn’t like sunlight, high temperature, and humidity. However, still, the complete behavior of this coronavirus virus is not known, and the researches are going to study the complete behavior of the deadly virus. Thus it is not sure that coronavirus will behave the same way.
Although according to the recent study done by the University Of Maryland has found that the spread of coronavirus is high among those countries where the average temperature is between 5-110C, and the relative humidity is very low.
The number of coronavirus cases is very less in those countries where the average temperature is 180C, and humidity is higher than 9g/m3. These evidences suggested that the spread of coronavirus will decrease with increasing temperature. And high humidity can also play a significant role in slowing the spread of coronavirus.
Can Coronavirus Loss It Ability To Infect Person With Increasing Temperature?
According to the research of Harvard Medical School, the coronavirus will not affect with variation in weather. They also exhibited that a rise in temperature and humidity will not affect the spread of coronavirus.
This study is also supported by the WHO (World Health Organization). According to the WHO report, the coronavirus has spread to the “countries with both hot and humid climates, as well as cold and dry.” Thus it becomes essential for the people to follow the issued advisories and take all the vital precautions to avoid coronavirus spread.
A study was done 10 years before by Kate Templeton from the center for infection Diseases at the University of Edinburgh, UK, found the three strains of coronavirus, all obtained from respiratory tract infection, showed marked winter seasonality. These viruses seemed to cause infection mostly between December and April. A fourth coronavirus found in people having reduced immunity was more sporadic (a disease which seen occasionally and without geographical reason are called a sporadic disease).

I am Abhishek Kumar, I have done my master’s in Biotechnology. My most preferred genre of writing is Health, Environment, Entertainment, and sport. I have been writing from the past 4 years about blogs, articles, and web content. I am working as a professional blogger. I enjoy socializing a lot. Apart from all this, I enjoy watching movies, web series, cricket and exploring nature makes me happy.